Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Short Men Marry Later But for Longer

For men, height has been a physical marker of success as it relates to their masculinity. The association was, the taller the guy, the more successful he was … with women and money.

Generally speaking, that’s true, however new research from NYU sociologists indicate that height doesn’t equate to success in marriage.

Instead, research indicates that tall men are at higher risk to get divorced. Studies show that even though taller men get married early and make more money overall, they also get divorced early; whereas short men tend to get married later in life and stay married longer.

The reason for this quite interesting and I’m unsure if some of you will like it; in sum: tall men marry up and short men marry down. The research indicated that based on, “the perspective of relationship exchange models, this indicates that the tallest men exchange their attractive attribute (height) for better-educated spouses, while short men are unable to do so.”

Hmmm, so apparently short men tend to marry women who are less educated while tall men marry more educated and successful women … who eventually divorce them. The research also found that short men marry later in life after they build up their careers and financial stability to compensate for their height. Shorter men then use their financial stability to balance traditional gender roles within the home.

As if it could not get more interesting, it does. The study also discovered that tall men are more likely to do housework while short men didn’t. Given what was stated before, this discovery makes sense.

The question I have for you is, “Why do you think ‘successful’ and more ‘educated’ women prefer tall men instead of stable shorter men?” It seems that less ‘educated’ and less ‘successful’ women end up in more stable relationships than their more successful counterparts.

Are women to blame because they go for looks and not quality? Sound off below!

Dr. Jinnie Cristerna is a psychotherapist, RoHun Doctor, author, and national mental health expert located in Chicago, IL. Dr. Cristerna works with talented and ambitious individuals, families, and corporations to help them break through and heal psychological roadblocks limiting their success. To learn more about Dr. Cristerna, go to www.HighAchiever.net

Read more on JetMag.com: http://www.jetmag.com/life/moment-of-clarity-life/short-men-marry-later-longer/#ixzz4USDcD2Xf

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